Saturday, December 10, 2011

Personalised Ringback Tones

My friend once told me about personalised ringback tones in Korea but I had never heard of it before as we do not have it in Australia. Tonight I rang her mobile in Korea and it was a bit weird hearing her personalised ringback tone. I was a bit like, 'Is this the right number? Have I inadvertently rang some company?'. Nope, It was Romy unnie's taste in music.

When I googled it today on the internet I didn't even know what a ringback tone was. I have never heard it called that. We call it a dial tone.

I found out that South Korea was the first country to introduce personalised ringback tones (I am guessing SK Telecom) where you can choose a song that will become the dialtone for your mobile. Then, when people call the mobile, instead of hearing the ring ring tone, they hear a song selected by the owner of the phone instead. I like that idea. I know people would probably say it's a gimick that you never hear anyway because it's not like you ever ring your own mobile, but it is definitely more stylised than the bland dial tone.

Apparently the most popular ringback tones in 2010 included:
1. Eminem and Rhianna: Love the way you lie
2. Fish Leong: No Ifs
3. Super Junior: Sorry Sorry

One thing I have to say is that if I rang someone and their ringtone was Sorry Sorry I definitely would not be waiting for them to pick up. How annoying would it be to listen through that song all the time!

Fish Leong's No Ifs is a much better choice.

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