Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day

Spending Christmas Day in a country you have been in for 3 days is kind of daunting. 1. You hardly know anyone, 2. Those people you do know probably have plans with their friends and you don't want to butt in, and 3. You are away from your family.

At the start of this day I thought it was going to be horrible. I got up and was so bored I went for two jogs around Pukyong University and saw so many people out. I thought it was even more unusual that so many people were at the university field having soccer and hockey training. In a country that has so many Christians, I wondered why it's not really celebrated. Later on I realised they do celebrate it, just in a different way.

After I called home I rang Romy unnie and she invited me to Giman oppa's parents' house for Christmas. Giman oppa is still in Australia so Romy, Giwon and I caught the bus from Daeyeon to the other side of the city.

At first it was a bit awkward, I can't speak much Korean and they don't speak English. When Sun Young unnie came with her family it was worse because it was the first time her 2 year old son Sun Hyeon had seen a foreigner and he was scared of me. After a while, once everyone started to relax, it was like they were my substitute family. Abeoji told me that I was his daughter so I had to call him dad. They all use a Korean name for me and have adopted me into their family. They are amazing. Abeoji was even talking about trying to introduce me to someone so that I would stay in Korea. Sun Young unnie and I became fast friends even though we couldn't understand each other. We had a lot of laughs trying to explain things to each other through acting. So much fun. Even Sun Hyeon started calling me emo (aunt) and he came up to me with a peporo stick in his mouth and wanted me to bite the other end and we chewed it to the middle. Very Lady and the Tramp. He is so adorable.

Needless to say I had a wonderful day, especially since I was so anxious about it in the morning. My first Christmas in Busan was amazing. I have a wonderful Korean family who I adore. Right now I couldn't ask for anything more.

Me and Sun Young unnie

The family: Abeoji, Aeomeoni, Romy unnie, Sun Young unnie, Sangwoo oppa, Shinwoo, Giwon and Sun Hyeon <3

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