Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chick Lit

It's finally happened. I have officially become a chick lit fan. I used to see chick lit on the shelves of bookstores and think 'how boring' then grab something from the horror or romance section. Now I can't get through a sickening romance, horror is just eww and supernatural vampire stuff has flooded the market so much that I don't think I could possibly read one more. One good thing though. I still hate Sex in the City and I plan to keep it that way!

Some of my favourite authors include:

> Pamela Britton and her NASCAR books. I love sporty romances:)

> Susan Elizabeth Phillips. You guessed it - more sporty romances - this time American football.

> Matthew Reilly, an Australian action author.

> Richard Layman's horror novels. Funland hooked me in and I have read everything he has written.

> Sherrilyn Kenyon and the Dark Hunter series. Ahh... Acheron - seriously the most charismatic fictional character ever written.

> J. R. Ward. The Black Dagger Brotherhood.

> Simone Elkeles, a teen fiction writer about overcoming differences.

And now I can add my two new chick lit authors:

> Miranda Dickinson. This author first had me hooked on chick lit. Welcome to My World - Read it!

> Jil Mansell and her lovely British tales.

I like that these books have such a great emhasis on the woman's relationships with those around her and how she often makes the decisions in life that seem least obvious but turn out for the best. Hopefully that's what will happen in my life.

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