Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Koukou Debut - High School Debut

I was in Officeworks the other day and as I was walking out two employees were talking about this computer game they were playing. They were so intense about the levels they got up to and the characters they would play as and how one of their friends was so like one of the characters in real life that they suggested to that friend that they play as them in the game. Anyway, needless to say, I though... oh my goodness. Do people really talk about that stuff? And then I thought that some of the stuff I am interested in no one else is and so hence, I'll blog about it, coz no one I know really wants to hear about it.
So a student of mine who just graduated gave me a manga about a young girl who has a malignant tumor and it has to be removed, but in the process she will lose her voice and never be able to sing again. Of course, her goal in life is to become a famous singer. I digress. It made me want to start reading some manga. I gave it a go a few years back and got through one series and have never picked one up since.
The Japanese movie High School Debut looks interesting. Unfortunately they have not made English subtitles to this movie - if they have and you know where I can find them, please let me know - so I have not been able to watch it yet.

I found the manga though and have been reading that. It's okay.

It's not as good as I thought it would be. It was going well. This girl (Haruna) really wants to find a boyfriend but because she has been a bit of a tomboy all ther life and played alot of sports she hasn't really had the opportunity to indulge in a girl's lifestyle so she finds it hard to meet guys. She asks Yoh to tutor her in attracting guys, because of course, he knows what guys want. Anyway turns out that they end up liking each other even though the condition of Yoh tutoring Haruna is that she would not fall for him. Sounds fine right? Except that she doesn't know how to act around him and go about dating and he has had only slightly more experience and also does not know how to go about being in a relationship. Solution? They read Shojo Manga to see what characters in the stories do on dates. And that is where my attention to this series ended. I think I am about 8 volumes in and can't finish it. I don't really think people want to read about 2 people bumbling through a relationship. I get that this is TEEN manga but still; it's pretty lame. I hope that in the movie they change the characters slightly so they are not both weak characters.

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