Wednesday, October 26, 2011

사랑 1st Birthday

Last week I went to my friends baby's first birthday. Korean style. Needless to say I was the only non-Korean there and didn't understand everything but it was so much fun:) It was at their church after the service and I went to help unnie set up before everyone came. It was catered with yummy Korean food and there were so many lovely guests. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. I knew about 10 of them because I had met them here and there so it wasn't like I was sitting in the corner all by myself. Phew! And the church friends were all amazingly welcoming and funny. I don't think I have laughed so much in a long time.
The happy family; Kelly unnie, Lee oppa and Sarang.

The birthday party went for about 2 hours and started with a speech from daddy followed by a slide show of pictures and music of Sarang's first year of life, prayers from the minister and eating.

In Korean culture the child picks an item from a selection placed in front of her and the guests have to guess which item will be picked and place their name in a bucket with the item in it. I picked the microphone. She picked the microphone. Yay... a singer in the making. For getting it correct I was given a big box of different juices.
After our hard work cleaning up a few of us relaxing in the church yard gasbagging as only women can. Funniest moment: Kay was telling me all afternoon that she was married to the good looking man at the party. Without me trying to even figure that out and get it wrong, I asked her what colour shirt he was wearing. She tells me it's blue and that was the colour of a cute guy's shirt so I pointed him out and asked 'Him?'. She looked at me and replied, 'I said the good looking one.'. Lol... woops my bad - lucky I asked. This photo was taken after she yells out to her husband '여보, Belinda says you are hot.' (Mind you, I still haven't figured out who he is by this stage). Haha... HIgh school humour never ends. I think he was embarrassed.

What an AMAZING day with such wonderful people who gave me an open invitation to their Korean luncheon after church services on Sundays. Yum:)

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