Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Brothers and sisters from another mother

Ever had that feeling of being with certain people who you are just so comfortable with that it's like they are your family?

For me, that's my Wednesday night unnies and oppas. Sure we have some hilarious language and culture moments like tonight's classic 'You have a great tongue' episode from which I thought we'd never recover, and us women sure put in alot of time slaving away in the kitchen for the men, but it pays off when they make sure our drinks have a never ending bottom in return.

Tonight Giman oppa was extra sweet and asked me to help him with an assignment for college he had to do. Sprawled out in the middle of the loungeroom for 4 hours, we *cough cough* finally finished it after much use of the Korean-English translator. Who would have thought it'd be so hard to write about SOPs, management of hotels and performance reviews when we had two brains and two languages working for us? Who am I kidding. It only made it worse. Now he probably has to spend just as long putting it in his own words.

Sunny unnie, aside from Kelly unnie and Romy unnie is also a special person to me. I remember the first time I met her it was at Kelly unnies house and I was the only non-Korean in a house full of guests. She grabbed my arm and asked me if I was scared in the Korean community and going to such a place by myself. She was amazed that I'd do that. To me these guys were already like family we had clicked straight away and the notion was laughable. Now Sunny is such a good friend, she makes me laugh non-stop. From claiming she gets her coldsores from kissing me to feeding me delicious food at dinner because she thinks my chopstick skills are horrible (they're not that bad!) and teaching me words that she thinks are so naughty she has to whisper, we have a ball.

Only one month and 20 days until I leave. I am going to miss these guys. I hope I meet some people there who are just as amazing as the friends I have made here.

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